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- Korea: still a good place to teach?
- Korea: getting a uni job
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- Latin America: FAQ
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- Switzerland
- AIESEC offers internships from 6 weeks to 18 months in various countries around the world.
- CSIET has comprehensive information about exchanges, such as study abroad and volunteering.
- Crucero Stms has work on cruise ships.
- Educators Abroad (ELTAP) have worldwide student teaching programmes, assistant programmes, and practicums.
- The English Language Fellowship Programme through Georgetown University needs Junior and Senior Fellows to be placed around the world. They teach, train or do research. You'll need an MA. Generally if you have lived abroad for 5 out of the last 6 years this will be a disadvantage.
- Fulbright offers teaching exchanges that last from six weeks, to a semestre to a year. But be sure to read the eligibility and ineligibility info first. Generally if you have lived abroad for 5 out of the last 6 years this will be a disadvantage.
- Hispano Tours they have au pair, intership, work and travel, and trainee programmes in North America, South America, Australasia, and Europe.
- IIE: Institute of International Education helps set up exchanges and fellowships with colleges and universities around the world.
- INTEJ has work and study, work and travel, language and higher education programmes, and au pair programmes for North America, South America, China, Australasia, and Europe.
- Intered has work programmes in the USA, Canada, the UK, and Australia.
- South Australian Education Department (eslstudies) offers exchanges with the United States of America, Canada, Japan, the United Kingdom, New Zealand, Germany, France, Switzerland and Denmark.
- Student Partners they have work, language, and higher education programmes for North America, South America, China, Africa, Australasia, and Europe.
- Universal Student Exchange they have work and study, work and travel programmes for North America, South America, China, Africa, Australasia, and Europe.
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