Tuesday 10 July 2012

Quick Tip: Bring Enough Money to Cover Start Up Costs

You know the expression, "take half of what you think you need and bring twice as much money". This is especially true when moving to a new country. Even if you have a job lined up, you'll still probably have to wait at least a month until you get paid. If you have to pay for housing, that's another expense as some countries (such as Japan and Korea) require key money, which can vary from an extra month's rent to over a year's worth.

Then there are things that you'll probably have to buy to set up house, such as plates, utensils, bedding, and other necessities. You may have to pay for a medical check, work permit, work visa, or for other documents. You just never know how much money you'll need exactly so it's hard to budget, but it's better to have too much than too little. Bring money in a variety of forms as well, such as traveller cheques (they're not too common, but they're replaceable), ATM card, credit card, and cash. Have access to money back home as well just in case there's an emergency.

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