Wednesday 12 March 2014

The Best TEFL Jobs in Hong Kong

Here's the information for Hong Kong for The Best TEFL Jobs in the World. You might also want to look at The Best TEFL Jobs With Worldwide Employers.  

If you know of any other good ones, please let me know by emailing me at
  1. City University
  2. Dramatic English
  3. English Schools Foundation 
  4. HKU (Hong Kong University)
  5. Mother Goose Academy: For teaching children aged 1-5 years old you'll get $2000 usd a month.You have to work 40-45 hours a week and work on Saturdays and Sundays. You'll be provided with airfare, paid holidays, medical, housing, and a contract completion bonus.
  6. NET Scheme (Native English Speaker): They've got an elementary and secondary school track. Very good pay and benefits if you can get the job. Here's how to get a NET job for HK
  7. Poly University: 35,000 HKD a month.
  8. VTC (Vocational Training Council): 20,000 HKD a month plus a free apartment.


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