Tuesday 30 October 2012

Quick Tip: Have Fillers Ready for Your Classes

Fillers are what every experienced teacher has up their sleeves. Just like you should use warmers in the beginning of your lessons and coolers at the end, you should have a couple fillers in mind in case you end early.

If you've taken a TEFL course, your course instructors told you about fillers. You never can tell if you'll have enough material for your class and fillers are used in case you finish early.

Games and other fun activities are often used. Fillers should be short, easy, and fun activities that can be done at the end of class if you have a little time left over. Developing Teachers has a whole bunch of ideas, so be sure to check them out!

Got an idea for a quick tip?
Email me with your quick tip, name, and website (if you have one) and I'll post it ASAP.


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