Sunday 15 April 2012

Hot Topic: Being Farmed Out to Other Schools

Some employers have no issues in having their teachers work at various schools around the city. They can get away with paying the teacher as little as possible and the other schools end up lining the employer's pockets.

Employers who do this have no conscience and are just in education for the money. Try to avoid these employers; you can often tell if an employer is going to farm you out to other schools from their adverts. Recruiters might also try to farm you out, but that's a whole other discussion. The best thing to do research about an employer before signing on the dotted line.

What do you think?
Have you ever worked for an employer who sent you out to different schools? What was your experience?

Got an idea for a hot topic?
Email me with your hot topic, name, and website (if you have one) and I'll post it ASAP.


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