Sunday 15 March 2009

Summer and Winter Camps

Updated 26 October 2012

Camp jobs are a good way to earn some extra cash during break. Just be aware that it's not as easy as it may seem: you’ll be with the kids all day long. You might start at 9am and finish at 9pm. Peace Boat is another option. It offers a chance to teach on board as well as visit a number of countries.

Where To Get TEFL Camp Jobs
Where you can work often depends on your experience, availability and nationality. Working holiday visas and Europe for non-EU passport holders has lots of good info. There are lots of camp jobs in North America, Europe and Asia, in particular Canada, China, France, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Korea, Poland, Spain, Switzerland, Taiwan, the UK, and the USA.

Pay and Benefits for TEFL Camp Jobs
The majority of camps take place during the summer and are usually 4 to 12 weeks in length. Winter camps last from 2 to 6 weeks Benefits vary from country to country and camp to camp, however, you should at least get free housing, meals, a weekly stipend, and one day off per week. Airfare, calling cards, visas and work permits might also be arranged for you.

Some places will get you a work visa, others won't. If they won't they'll have you come on a tourist visa and you will probably have to have a return or onward flight. Keep in mind that it is always illegal to work on a tourist visa. However, you'll probably be only working for a few weeks or a couple months and earning too little to raise any flags.

Finding a TEFL Camp Job
If you're in country you'll have a better chance of getting a job there since you'll have more contacts than those overseas. Second, you probably already have a visa and work permit. Third, it's usually cheaper to hire locally since the employer doesn't have to pay airfare. Usually places start advertising around mid-March for summer camps jobs (June to August) and around October for winter camp positions (January – February). Try checking the sites below.

Country Specific Camps



  1. Please consider adding the following summer camp to your list of UK specific camps:

    Many thanks


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