
The Best TEFL Jobs in the World

Updated 29 October 2016

Over the years I've collected a number of job adverts and heard about good schools through the grapevine. While I check a lot of job sites, most of the jobs come from Dave's, the Guardian, the Chronicle, HigherEdJobs, and LinguistList. I've kept them in Word documents and I emailed them to friends or posted on Facebook. I decided to publish them online so that everyone can access them and I can easily update them.

In addition to helping people out there are other reasons why I made this list. You can also see how I chose these jobs and why I chose money as the top criteria. All of these jobs were chosen for TEFL teachers, meaning that they should not require a teaching license or a PhD.

The Schools by Area and Country

Worldwide: 21
Online: 1
Recruiters: 10
Worldwide employers: 10

Africa: 8 jobs in 4 countries
Chad: 1
Equatorial Guinea: 2
Libya: 4
Morocco: 1

Asia: 258 jobs in 16 countries
Brunei: 2
Cambodia: 1
China: 54
Hong Kong: 8
Indonesia: 4
Japan: 14
Laos: 2
Kazakhstan: 6
Macau: 2
Malaysia: 3
Myanmar: 4
Singapore: 1
South Korea: 143 (12 camp jobs)
Taiwan: 1
Thailand: 1
Vietnam: 12

Australasia: 1 jobs in 1 country
Australia: 1

Canada and the USA: 3 jobs in 1 country
USA: 3

Europe: 35 jobs in 12 countries
Cyprus: 2
France: 2
Georgia: 1
Latvia: 1
Poland: 2
Romania: 1
Russia: 2
Slovakia: 1
Spain: 7
Turkey: 11
UK: 1
Ukraine: 4

Latin America: 19 jobs in 7 countries
Chile: 2
Colombia: 9
Costa Rica: 1
Ecuador: 3
Guatemala: 1
Mexico: 1
Peru: 2

Middle East: 66 jobs in 9 countries
Afghanistan: 1
Egypt: 4
Iraq: 1
Kuwait: 3
Oman: 5
Qatar: 10
Saudi Arabia: 31
United Arab Emirates: 9
Yemen: 1 

TOTAL: 413

Recommended Reading

Choosing a country

1 comment:

  1. We are looking for English teachers and Native Speakers from all around the world, who are interested to come to Warsaw and work here.
    More information and contact details you can find on
    Looking forward to hear from you soon.
    Your Cambridge Team


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